Exciting Update!!!!

Today I am sharing my exciting news. We are officially licensed to sell real estate in Delaware.  What does that mean for you?  If you are considering a move or maybe a vacation home or even an investment property, you now can take advantage of our experience and expertise to do so in Delaware.  IContinue reading “Exciting Update!!!!”

Client Relationships

I’d like to say that my husband and I are very passionate about real estate.  We love meeting the people, seeing the homes and making people’s dream of homeownership a reality.  We have trained for this job learning the real estate market, staying up to date on the ever-changing legal documents needed for a realContinue reading “Client Relationships”


Let’s talk about kitchens.  A kitchen is a key part of any home, think about how much time you spend in your kitchen.  I know I spend a good bit of time in my kitchen starting in the morning making my cup of coffee or a cool refreshing smoothie after my workout to wrapping upContinue reading “KITCHENS”

Thirty Years in Real Estate

This week I’m going to focus a little on my husband.  I thought with his 32 years in real estate it’d be interesting to “interview” him.  Yes, I did say 32 years, isn’t that crazy.  In the real estate field, we see realtors get into the business and we see them leave for one reasonContinue reading “Thirty Years in Real Estate”

Thinking of Selling?

This week we thought we would just reach out to all of you to see if anyone is thinking of selling. It is a great time to sell a home. If you are considering a home sale or if you have a friend or family member considering putting their home on the market, please reachContinue reading “Thinking of Selling?”

Decluttering Before a Sale

Let’s talk about decluttering your home before a sale! Yes it does make a difference when selling your home and in your life in general..  Think about walking into your home and seeing it for the first time, is your home a stressful cluttered mess?  As a buyer enters your home, that first impression makesContinue reading “Decluttering Before a Sale”