Be Humble Day 2/22/23

Today is Be Humble Day, an important reminder to all of us that no matter our successes or failures, we always have more to learn, and always remain humble. A quote from the great Ralph Waldo Emerson rings true: “If humility could be sold in the market, one should say the world would be emptiedContinue reading “Be Humble Day 2/22/23”

Exciting Update!!!!

Today I am sharing my exciting news. We are officially licensed to sell real estate in Delaware.  What does that mean for you?  If you are considering a move or maybe a vacation home or even an investment property, you now can take advantage of our experience and expertise to do so in Delaware.  IContinue reading “Exciting Update!!!!”

Cake Day, November 26th

November 26th is Cake Day! Those who are aware of this holiday and take the time to celebrate each year do so by, of course, eating cake.   Do you enjoy making your cake or do you prefer to purchase your cake?  Ido enjoy making cakes and have tried many different recipes that I have foundContinue reading “Cake Day, November 26th”

Local Restaurant Insight – Fortunata’s Bakery

Let’s get to know some local favorites and hidden treasures in Delaware.  This week we are going to get to know Fortunata’s Bakery, a local Italian bakery located in Milford, Delaware.   I had the amazing opportunity to interview the owner Ruth Clifton.  I found Ruth’s story fascinating,  she began working at Bread N ButterContinue reading “Local Restaurant Insight – Fortunata’s Bakery”